International Conference on « Human Rights of older people in times of COVID pandemics »
Premiminary results and perspectives of the IRREC/RIDPA research program*
Council of Europe
Online via Zoom
March 7, 2023
Strasbourg, France
8:30 -18:00 CET
Meeting ID: 649 4863 2290
Passcode: 093936
8:30-9:15: Opening session :
The rights of older adults during the pandemic : international perspectives
Gerald Dunn, Council of Europe, Department of Social Rights, Acting Head of Division Cooperation and Communication
Rosita Kornfeld, Chile, Rosita Kornfeld , National President of the National Care System Commission in Chile, former United Nations Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons
Jean-Philippe Viriot Durandal, Professor and Director of the international Chair on Inclusive societies and aging, University of Lorraine, Head of the Research Program RIDPA (REIACTIS)
9:15-10:00 : Asia
- China, Justine Rochot, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; Renyou Hou, ATER, Department of Anthropology, LESC, University of Paris Nanterre; Chao-Hsuan Peng, Contractual Doctoral Candidate, Center for Historical Studies (CRH), EHESS
- Japan, Sophie Buhnik, Associate Researcher, French Institute for Research on Japan at the Maison franco-japonaise (MEAE- CNRS), Doctoral Researcher, Tokyo City University
- Taiwan, Justine Rochot, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of Sociology of Academia Sinica, Taiwan
10:00-10:15 : Discussion
10:15-10:35 : Break
10:35-11:20 : Maghreb
- Algeria, Karima Bouaziz , Professor of Higher Education in Demography, Faculty of Social Sciences, Algiers 2 University
- Morocco, Mohammed Amar , Professor of Sociology, National School of Agriculture of Meknes, associate member of the Arab and Mediterranean World Team – EMAM – of the UMR CITERES ; Muriel Sajoux , MCF in Economic Sciences, University of Tours, UMR 7324 CITERES – CItés TERritoires Environnement et Sociétés ;
- Tunisia, Lassaad Labidi , Professor of Higher Education at the National Institute of Labor and Social Studies, University of Carthage.
11:20-11:35 : Discussion
11:35-12:20 : West Africa
- Burkina Faso, George Rouamba , Anthropologist, Joseph-Ki-Zerbo University ;
- Côte d’Ivoire, Zoguehi Arnaud Kévin Dayoro , Senior Lecturer, Université Félix Houphouët Boigny d’Abidjan; Groupe de Recherches en Socio-Anthropologie Appliquées à la Santé et au Vieillissement GRESA, Laboratoire Société, Individu, Culture LASIC ;
- Senegal, Muriel Sajoux , MCF in Economic Sciences, University of Tours, UMR 7324 CITERES – CItés TERritoires Environnement et Sociétés.
12:20-12:35 : Discussion
Lunch break
13:45-14:45 : Southern Europe
- Bulgaria, Radoslav Gruev, PhD in sociology, 2L2S, University of Lorraine, coordinator of the RIDPA program;
- Greece, Anita Meidani, MCF-HDR in sociology, University of Toulouse 2, LISST; France;
- Italy, Bernadetta Cannas, Social project manager of ANAP – Italian National Association of the Elderly and the Retired, FIAPA and Sonia Guaragna, General Secretary of FIAPA;
- Portugal, Filomena Gerardo, Dinâmia’cet-IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal and Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa; Inês Filipe, Dinâmia’cet-IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal; Sibila Marques, CIS-IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal
15:00-15:45 : French speaking countries of Europe
- Switzerland, Barbara Lucas, Full Professor, Haute École en Travail Social – HES-SO Geneva, Switzerland; Nathalie Blanchet, Scientific Collaborator, Haute École en Travail Social – HES-SO Geneva, Switzerland.
- Belgium, Myriam Leleu, Maître-Assistante, Haute École Louvain en Hainaut, Travail Social et Soins infirmiers, Belgium ;
- France, Jean-Philippe Viriot Durandal, Professor of Sociology, University of Lorraine 2L2S-Metz; Kheira Saadaoui, PhD student in Sociology, 2L2S-Metz, University of Lorraine; Yan Virriat, PhD student in Sociology, 2L2S-Metz, University of Lorraine.
15:45-16:00 : Discussion
16:00-16:30 : Break
16:30 – 17:00 : North America
- Quebec, Marie-Ève Bédard, PhD in gerontology, researcher at the Centre collégial d’expertise en gérontologie CCEG-CCTT and Rosalie Lacasse, BSc psychology, research assistant at the Centre collégial d’expertise en gérontologie CCEG-CCTT
- USA (Associate), Marion Repetti, Institute of Social Work, Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Switzerland; Toni Calasanti, Department of Sociology, Virginia Tech, USA; Alexandre Santos Mella, scientific collaborator at the Institute of Social Work Research of the Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale, HES-SO Valais-Wallis
17:00-17:15 : Discussion
17:15-17:45 : South America
- Chile, Rosita Kornfeld , National President of the National Care System Commission in Chile, VP of REIACTIS
- Brazil (Associate), Talita Amaral dos Santos, PhD student in sociology, 2L2S-Metz, University of Lorraine.
17:45-18:00 : Discussion
Online registration for virtual attendance is available here
The International Research Project on the Rights of Older Persons in the COVID-19 Pandemic
In brief
The International Research Project on the Rights of Older Persons in the COVID-19 Pandemic (IRREC/RIDPA) is an international research project aimed at understanding how different countries managed the COVID-19 health crisis. The project funded by IRESP/CNSA in France is led by a multidisciplinary team of 44 researchers from 20 different countries covering 4 continents. The research program focuses on the right to health care and services, freedom of movement, the right to social life and the right to participate in decision-making. Researchers analyze differences, divergences or convergences in public policy and population responses in different countries in order to highlight major human rights issues and draw lessons for the future in order to address issues such as access to health care, age discrimination in the public space, empowerment and co-determination in policies and institutions towards older persons. The research is based on public policy analysis, content analysis of semi-structured interviews with stakeholders and press analysis.
More information : Here